Mass times

Welcome to Mass in our Pastoral Area

Please visit our Parishes page to see details for each church – their latest newsletter is a good place to look.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Summary of our current weekend mass times (as at end 2022):

Saturday evening (vigil)
5:00pm                   Christchurch
6:00pm                   Iford, Fordingbridge

9:00am                   Christchurch (also livestreamed), Fordingbridge
9:30am                   Southbourne, Iford
11:00am                 Southbourne, Highcliffe, Ringwood

For the full list of Mass times in each parish in the area, please visit the Parish’s webpage – you can access it from here



















click on the little arrow head to the left of the parish to expand each table:

Holy Redeemer, Highcliffe
Sunday MassesWeekday Masses/ServicesHoly Days' Mass
11.00amThursday: 10am - Mass
Friday: 10am - Mass
Immaculate Conception and St Joseph (“St Joseph’s”), Christchurch
Sunday Masses
(updated Mar22)
Weekday Masses/ServicesHoly Days' Mass
5.00pm (Saturday Vigil)
9.00am (Sunday)
Monday: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion at 9:15 am*
Wednesday: 9:15 am*
Friday: 7:30 pm (NB. Check latest newsletter to confirm, occasionally a house mass)
Sacred Heart & Saint Thérèse, Ringwood
Sunday MassesWeekday Masses/ServicesHoly Days' Mass
11.00amWednesday: 10am*
Friday:10am* 11am during Lent
subject to change
Our Lady Queen of Peace and Blesséd Margaret Pole, Southbourne
Sunday MassesWeekday Masses/ServicesHoly Days' Mass
9.30am, 11.00am, 6.00pmTuesday: 9.30am
Wednesday: 9.30am
Thursday: 9.30am
Friday: 9.00am
Saturday: 10.30am (followed by confessions)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - After Wednesday 9.30 mass
9.30am & 7.00pm
Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint Philip Benizi, Fordingbridge
Sunday MassesWeekday Masses/ServicesHoly Days' Mass
6.00pm (Saturday Vigil)
9.00am (Sunday)
Tuesday: 10am*
Subject to change
St Thomas More, Iford