Welcome to Worship



Back after 5 years!
Tue 11 February 2025
7.30-9.00 pm
St Joseph’s, Christchurch

see flyer here

These lovely themed events are open to everyone and very popular.
We held them once each term before the pandemic, and hope to resume them soon – watch this space!  

The event lasts an hour and a half and begins with praise and worship using contemporary worship music. Then we have one or two passages from scripture and a short talk/reflection on the theme.  This leads into a beautiful and powerful  extended time of silent prayer/reflection where people can move around the building choosing from a range of ‘prayer stations’ to help them explore the theme and go deeper.  We come together again at the end for a final time of sung praise and worship


What do people say about these events?

“a wonderful reflective and uplifting evening”
“a lovely sense of calm and deep prayer”
“like a mini-retreat”
“truly a renewing spiritual experience not to be missed”
“The quiet prayer part was very powerful”
“a truly inspirational evening!”
“Welcome to Worship evenings have something for everyone”
“a beautiful, mysterious and humbling experience to be part of”

Read one person’s experience of their first
‘Welcome to Worship’ experience


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