The only income we receive to remain viable is from us, the parishioners. For those offering through standing order we are truly grateful as we are solely depending on these to pay our bills. What can you do?
How to make your weekly offering to the parish during this time:
- Give a regular donation through standing order – forms are lower down on this page here or click the Donate button below.
- Online donations and cheques made payable to:
“CDP St Joseph’s Christchurch” 30-93-04 00876292. - Put your usual money or envelopes for the plate aside each week, and when we are worshipping together again, hand it all in at once.
To make a one-off donation to the parish during this time:
Follow this link to make a donation to St Josephs: on-line donation
The web page might look a little strange but it is genuine and linked to the new card reader that has recently (June/July 2023) been installed.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, you could add 25p to every £1 that you give to this parish at no cost to yourself enabling us to reclaim the tax that you have paid on your donation.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows your parish to reclaim the tax that you have paid on your donation. It works like this. If you are a taxpayer and you give £10 to your parish, you will have paid tax on that amount. Your parish can get £2.50 back with Gift Aid, so your donation of £10.00 would become £12.50 and it wouldn’t cost you an extra penny!
Here are some examples of how much extra money your parish could get in just one year.
How do I go about signing a Gift Aid Declaration?
There are two ways you can go about signing a Gift Aid Declaration. Contacting your Parish Gift Aid Administrator for a Gift Aid Declaration form (see details below). Alternatively you can download the forms below. When completed put the forms in an envelope marked Parish Gift Aid Administrator and drop it into the Presbytery Office.
Ask your Parish Gift Aid Administrator for a Gift Aid Form. It simply asks you to give your Name and Address and your consent so that all donations can be treated as Gift Aid Donations. You should sign and date the form.
Please click on the links below to download the relevant forms:
Direct Debit Form with Gift Aid CDP
Standing Order Form CHR CDP 2023
Gift Aid declaration Form CHR 2023
Parish Gift Aid Administrator – Email:
Tele: 01202 483340
Do you pay Tax?
Then Please Join the Gift Aid Scheme!
If you have Income (wage, salary, pension or investments) on what you pay UK Income Tax you can boost the donations you are currently making to your parish by 25% without giving extra.
How Does Gift Aid work?
Once you have signed up for Gift Aid, your parish will need to keep a record of how much you have given. So you will be asked to put all your donations in special numbered envelopes or to pay by standing order or direct debit or cheque. “Loose plate” donations can’t be included because there is no record of the amount given.
How will the Church Gain?
HMRC will refund to the Church the basic rate of income tax on the money you give i.e. 25p for every £1 that you give. If you pay tax at the higher rate it refunds the difference.
Is Gift Aid extra giving?
I am already giving to my parish in the offertory collection will it cost me more to join the Gift Aid Scheme? Is this something extra?
No it will cost you nothing extra. You are not being asked to give more money, simply to sign a Gift Aid Declaration so that the Parish can reclaim the Tax Refund on your giving. The Inland Revenue is only handing back to the Parish the income tax you have already paid, so it will not affect you in any way.
Suppose my circumstances change?
You can increase the amount that you give or you can stop giving at any time, but you must tell your parish if you stop paying tax or if you change your address.
I occasionally visit the Church when visiting friends and relations. Can my donation be treated as Gift Aid?
Yes, providing you use the ‘visitors’ Gift Aid donation envelope held in the porch or pews. If you put your name and address on the envelope the parish can claim the tax which you have paid from earning the money.
Is Gift Aid confidential?
The amount that you give will be completely confidential and you don’t have to tell your parish how much you earn or give any personal details.
If you require further information about the Gift Aid Scheme, Please contact the Parish Gift Aid Administrator.
Tele: 01202 483340
Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
Charity No 1199568
If you would like to give a donation to the parish you can click on the link below and choose an amount to donate. click here to donate online